
Here’s where you’ll summarize your photography experience, what you love most about it and what makes you unique. 
Although I have invested in education, I have made hundreds of mistakes and failed over and over again. By failing, it has taught me growth — growing not only as a photographer, but also a businesswoman. My goal with my mentorships is not to make you a perfect photographer, but to share some of the knowledge I have learned. I want you to feel confident no matter what the situation is and take you to the next step in your business. I want to see you grow, and most importantly, KILL IT with CONFIDENCE!


I want to start by saying that I am truly honored to have people like you inquire about learning from me. When I first started my business in 2006, I never imagined I would be where I am now. Back then, it was just another outlet for me to create art, and to distract myself from my boring daily corporate job. So, I applaud you for investing in education! I have a BS in Business, and an MBA with an emphasis in HR. I’m a certified CAD designer and have taken numerous classes in photography, as well as spent hundreds of hours searching the internet for answers.


1 hour

PDF file of mentorship

Please provide me with 4-5 images before our Zoom/Skype meeting for editing walkthrough 

Will go over my personal editing flow from start to finish using Lightroom and Photoshop

Edit Only

This mentorship is for you! You will have the opportunity to watch me edit 4-5 images of your own, discuss light, exposure, Lightroom, and PhotoShop. This is an open style discussion, and we can go over anything in regards to editing. Everything discussed will be provided to you in a PDF file within 7 days of our mentorship. 

Do you have the shooting part down, but now just need help getting your images to the next level? 


1.5 hours

Attracting your dream client

Q&A (Anything goes!)

Finding your niche & style


I'm an open book, and happy to answer any questions. This is a time for you to learn tips & tricks from me. The first half we will discuss business tips, or any questions that you might have (nothing is off the table). The second half, I will edit 2-3 of your images and walk you through the process. Everything discussed will be provided to you in a PDF file within 7 days of our mentorship.

This Skype/Zoom mentorship will cover whatever you want to know!

Lightroom/Photoshop tricks

Emails & client interaction

Shooting style & how to play with light

PDF file of mentorship

Start to finish editing workflow


Up to 2 hours

Attracting your dream client

Choice of session type & location within 30 minutes of home studio

Finding your niche & style


After I shoot, you will be able to take your own shots so that I can help with any questions you have and provide feedback. Nothing is off the table with this session, you can ask anything and everything! Everything discussed will be provided to you in a PDF file within 7 days of our mentorship. 

This mentorship includes a short styled session with a couple/family so that you can see how I shoot, pose, and direct.

Posing techniques

Goal setting & constructive critique of your work

Live shoot with models, couples, families, etc.

Shooting style & how to play with light

PDF file of mentorship

Advertising/collaboration via Instagram


3-4 hours

Finding your niche & style

Q&A (Anything goes!)

Choice of session type & location within 30 minutes of home studio

I Want It All

After I shoot, you will be able to take your own shots so that I can help with any questions you have and provide feedback. Nothing is off the table with this session, you can ask anything and everything! On a different day, or the same day (depending on time), we will edit together 3-4 images of your own. We will discuss lighting, exposure, and workflows with lightroom, and PhotoShop. 

Everything discussed will be provided to you in a .pdf within 7 days of our session.

​This mentorship includes a short styled session with a couple/family so that you can see how I shoot, pose, and direct.

Attracting your dream client

Shooting style & how to play with light

Posing techniques

Live shoot with models, couples,
families, etc.

Goal setting & constructive critique of your work

Editing workflow with 2-4 of your images

PDF file of mentorship

Advertising/collaboration via Instagram